I have been reborn
Like a Phoenix, rising from the brokenness of all that has been
I turn my face to the sun, kissed by its amber tones
Its warmth sets fire to those dormant spaces and I bask in its glory
I have been reborn
Like a swallow that found its wings, freedom to soar
My flight takes me away into the heavens where hope resides
The breeze a gentle current that carries me up and I glide on golden rays
This is my time
This new starlight guides me home
to that place where love is no longer a forsaken mistress but a frame of mind
and love crowds all my spaces with sweet fragrance
and calls me its ownLike a swallow that found its wings, freedom to soar
My flight takes me away into the heavens where hope resides
The breeze a gentle current that carries me up and I glide on golden rays
This is my time
Rooted deep, peace begins to settle
Soul has recollection and rejoices
My heart, once uninhabitable, now thrives under this new starlightThis new starlight guides me home
to that place where love is no longer a forsaken mistress but a frame of mind
and love crowds all my spaces with sweet fragrance
I have been reborn
Like a plant lying in wait for the spring
Surging forth from the undergrowth, stretching out towards the sky
The spring rains a soothing balm, the sun offers a sweet caress and I find my strength
I have been reborn
Like a soul once lost and now found
And I turn my heart over to this starlight, embraced by its honeyed hues
And melt into this brave new world of being