Sunday, October 9, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl

When I was little, you were there to kiss away my tears and alleviate my fears
you taught me to be strong,
to face the world,
to be the best me

you taught me that life is what you make of it
that even when the world tries to crush you
and even when your heart has been broken into a trillion pieces no longer visible to the naked eye
that i was your forever girl

you taught me that kindness and compassion are attributes to be cherished
that all people have worth (even if you have to dig for it)
and that the only thing of real value in this world is not to be found in possessions or professions, but in people.

you taught me that life is short
that love can last a lifetime
that good men do exist
that i should never settle, but instead hold out for the best

you taught me that love is worth suffering through and for
you taught me that joy can be found in simple things
and that family is not always bound by blood, but tethered by love
you taught me to move forward even when the way back looked safer

when i was little you protected me, directed me, affected me

now you are gone.

You are gone, but you remain
I'm forever changed
you stay burrowed into my thoughts and deeds
your lessons etched into the fiber of my being
part of who I am is wrapped up in who you were and are to me

Daddy's girl, always and forever.